Thanks for this, Dusthoff ... and for the whole blog ... I'd like to see more and links to pics @ right ... like who are these aerosol criminals and what is their crime, etc. ... Love the poetry, music, movies .. most enjoyable ... !!
It is time for America to stand up and protect the Sovereignty of our Nation, and stop letting our Government make decision's for our lives and the future of our children. When a Government stop's listening to the People, it's our responsibility as American citizen's to take back our Government. I am suggesting that we use Ghandi as our mentor, and follow in his foot steps. We as American's have forgotten the powers we hold in our hands. WE can exercise our Rights of Non-Violence, and BE the change WE want to see..... Freedom Blogger
Mahatma Ghandi: The Non-Cooperation Movement was the first-ever series of nationwide people's movements of nonviolent resistance, led by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress. The Movement opened the Gandhi Era in the Indian Independence Movement.
Background The Rowlatt Acts were legislation that imposed authoritarian restrictions upon Indian people. The notion of habeas corpus was discarded, and the police and army were empowered to search and seize property, detain and arrest any Indian without the slightest need for evidence. Promulgated by the British Parliament, the Viceroy and the Imperial Legislative Council, they were to be enforced on April 6, 1919.
Doesn't any of this sound familiar?
Say No to the NAU
Gotta Love Chris Farley
False Flagg
Is this what America Has Become?
Trance Formation of America
"The public more readily falls victim to the big lie than the small lie. Since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large- scale falsehoods." Adolph Hitler
The Richest Geek in the Solar System
Did Kristy walk with the Gods?
Answers point to yes....Ps..I Love You
Thanx Alot Dudes
Little Green Men
If you encounter this not panic
Contact the authorities immediately!
She will pay someday for the blood of innocent women and children.
Justice will be served
We Are The Creator
Ionic Lodge
One block from the church.
Astro Travelers
NASA lies
Alien Babies?
Ancient Secrets
Wtf is this?
Demons on Earth?
Ancient Aircraft
In an Egyptian Tomb
Kristary Skies
'There were Giants in those days..."
A Quote From the Book of Genesis
River Pipes
The Seed
Booty Song for Kristy
Did Geddy and the boys have a glimpse into a not too soon future?
Song For Kristy
This is the Hour Glass Super Nova
Or an eye of a god?
Snow....Winter Sucks Without Your Baby
Really small, and very old.
Micro artifacts?
The Kristary Eye
Allusive Mystery
Countless icons, familiar images. Cartoons, movies and novels of old.
How much of our souls now and then, have been beaten, battered or sold?
Countless battles, turned to war.
Politics making public policy. During the while, are we forgetting family, and friendship?
Somewhere along the line philosophy is broken down.
Dreaming we are once more, of that allusive mystery...
D.A.H. 2008
Here i am
An Alien From Lexacon
Sporting a Pentagram and a sidekick sometimes called "Bob?"
Not all pentagrams are bad...
The "True" Bob?
J.R. Bob Dobbs
The Blue Rose of Union
Suspended animation
Poetry Again
The new, the next. The voice in my heart,the text. Singing,in my nearest ear. Letters written, sounds heard. Music.... the music, flowing in the night. Overtime.... stars collide, and minds entwine. Over, and over the same... Love and hate, looking down in refrain. Yet love reigns... Poetry, again!
Thanks for this, Dusthoff ... and for the whole blog ... I'd like to see more and links to pics @ right ... like who are these aerosol criminals and what is their crime, etc. ... Love the poetry, music, movies .. most enjoyable ... !!
ReplyDeleteLove always, starfishers